
Business Challenges

  • Customer, bay area based engineering and construction services co., manages its construction project plans in Google spread sheets.
  • It was difficult to track and sync tasks assigned to vendor companies
  • Non-synced projects execution plans led to delay in overall projects timeline
  • Almost no visibility of current state of projects to executive teams as projects were highly vendor centric
  • Customer failed multiple times to achieve Google drive integration with vendor applications

Project Highlights

  • Previous experience of google drive integration helped us to get customer confidence
  • Suggested a pragmatic batch based architecture enabling integration with vendors API and CSVs contains project data
  • A unified platform was built to extract , transform and preserve project data from various sources such as API and CSVs.
  • Project plan were updated in Google spreadsheets based on complex mapping identified during analysis
  • Color coding alerts for delayed tasks are marked for easy tracking

Customer Benefits

  • Seamless integration of project s plan made significant improvement in over all project tracking.
  • Project delays were avoided as managers got up-to-date visibility of vendor tasks
  • Improved customer satisfaction


Enhanced project tracking with vendors – USA